On 2017-11-14 21:54, Milanov, Radoslav Nikiforov wrote:

> Hi 
> We have 3 node, 27 OSDs cluster running Luminous 12.2.1 
> In filestore configuration there are 3 SSDs used for journals of 9 OSDs on 
> each hosts (1 SSD has 3 journal paritions for 3 OSDs). 
> I've converted filestore to bluestore by wiping 1 host a time and waiting for 
> recovery. SSDs now contain block-db - again one SSD serving 3 OSDs. 
> Cluster is used as storage for Openstack. 
> Running fio on a VM in that Openstack reveals bluestore performance almost 
> twice slower than filestore. 
> fio --name fio_test_file --direct=1 --rw=randwrite --bs=4k --size=1G 
> --numjobs=2 --time_based --runtime=180 --group_reporting 
> fio --name fio_test_file --direct=1 --rw=randread --bs=4k --size=1G 
> --numjobs=2 --time_based --runtime=180 --group_reporting 
> Filestore 
> write: io=3511.9MB, bw=19978KB/s, iops=4994, runt=180001msec 
> write: io=3525.6MB, bw=20057KB/s, iops=5014, runt=180001msec 
> write: io=3554.1MB, bw=20222KB/s, iops=5055, runt=180016msec 
> read : io=1995.7MB, bw=11353KB/s, iops=2838, runt=180001msec 
> read : io=1824.5MB, bw=10379KB/s, iops=2594, runt=180001msec 
> read : io=1966.5MB, bw=11187KB/s, iops=2796, runt=180001msec 
> Bluestore 
> write: io=1621.2MB, bw=9222.3KB/s, iops=2305, runt=180002msec 
> write: io=1576.3MB, bw=8965.6KB/s, iops=2241, runt=180029msec 
> write: io=1531.9MB, bw=8714.3KB/s, iops=2178, runt=180001msec 
> read : io=1279.4MB, bw=7276.5KB/s, iops=1819, runt=180006msec 
> read : io=773824KB, bw=4298.9KB/s, iops=1074, runt=180010msec 
> read : io=1018.5MB, bw=5793.7KB/s, iops=1448, runt=180001msec 
> - Rado 
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It will be useful to see how this filestore edge would perform when you
increase your queue depth (threads/jobs). For example to 32 or 64. This
would represent a more practical load. 

I can see an extreme case if you have a cluster with a large number of
OSDs and only 1 client thread that filestore may be faster: in this case
when the client io hits an OSD it will not be as busy syncing its
journal to hdd (which is the case under normal load), but again this is
not a practical setup.  

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