On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 09:29:11AM +0000, Martin Emrich wrote:
> Hi!
> Am 09.12.17, 00:19 schrieb "Robin H. Johnson" <robb...@gentoo.org>:
>     If you use 'radosgw-admin bi list', you can get a listing of the raw 
> bucket
>     index. I'll bet that the objects aren't being shown at the S3 layer
>     because something is wrong with them. But since they are in the bi-list,
>     you'll get 409 BucketNotEmpty.
> Yes indeed. Running "radosgw-admin bi list" results in an incomplete 300MB 
> JSON file, before it freezes.
That's a very good starting point to debug.
The bucket index is stored inside the OMAP area of a raw RADOS object.
(in a filestore OSD it's in the LevelDB),  I wonder if you have
corruption or something else awry. 
How many objects were in this bucket? The number from 'bucket stats' is
a good starting point.

Newer versions of Jewel do report OMAP inconsistency after deep-scrub, so
that would be a help in your case too.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Dev, Infra Lead, Foundation Asst. Treasurer
E-Mail   : robb...@gentoo.org
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