Thanks for confirming, logged

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ceph-users [] On Behalf Of
> Stefan Kooman
> Sent: 12 December 2017 20:35
> To: Nick Fisk <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Bluestore Compression not inheriting pool option
> Quoting Nick Fisk (
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Has anyone been testing the bluestore pool compression option?
> >
> > I have set compression=snappy on a RBD pool. When I add a new
> > bluestore OSD, data is not being compressed when backfilling,
> > confirmed by looking at the perf dump results. If I then set again the
> > compression type on the pool to snappy, then immediately data starts
> > getting compressed. It seems like when a new OSD joins the cluster, it
> > doesn't pick up the existing compression setting on the pool.
> >
> > Anyone seeing anything similar? I will raise a bug if anyone can
> Yes. I tried to reproduce your issue and I'm seeing the same thing. The
> I did to reproduce:
> - check for compressed objects beforehand on osd (no compressed objects
>   where there)
> - remove one of the osds in the cluster
> - ceph osd pool set CEPH-TEST-ONE compression_algorithm snappy
> - ceph osd pool set CEPH-TEST-ONE compression_mode force
> -  rbd clone a rbd image
> - let cluster heal again
> - check for compressed bluestore objects on "new" osd (ceph daemon osd.0
> perf dump | grep blue):
> "bluestore_compressed": 0,
> "bluestore_compressed_allocated": 0,
> "bluestore_compressed_original": 0
> - check for compressed bluestore objects on already existing osd (ceph
> daemon
> osd.1 perf dump | grep blue):
> "bluestore_compressed": 2991873,
> "bluestore_compressed_allocated": 3637248,
> "bluestore_compressed_original": 10895360,
> Gr. Stefan
> --
> | BIT BV        Kamer van Koophandel 09090351
> | GPG: 0xD14839C6                   +31 318 648 688 /
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