On 12/14/2017 09:46 AM, nigel davies wrote:
Is this nfs-ganesha exporting Cephfs? Yes

Are you using NFS for a Vmware Datastore? Yes

What are you using for the NFS failover? (this is where i could be going wrong)

When creating the NFS Datastore i added the two NFS servers ip address in

NFS failover is more complicated than that. It doesn't natively support failover from one machine to another. Instead, you need to have an active/active or active/passive setup on the servers that manages virtual IPs, and fails the IP over from one machine to another. This is because NFS, as a protocol, will recover from a failed server if *that server* comes back, but not to a second server. The virtual IP failover looks, to the client, like a restart of a single server.

This is done in Ganesha currently with Pacemaker/Corosync to manage the failover. It's in a supported product for Ganesha over Gluster, but not, as far as I know, for Ganesha over Ceph. It has been done by community members, however.

The Gluster docs for this are here:

In the future (Ganesha 2.6 / Ceph Mimic) this should be better supported over Ceph.


On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 2:29 PM, David C <dcsysengin...@gmail.com <mailto:dcsysengin...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Is this nfs-ganesha exporting Cephfs?
    Are you using NFS for a Vmware Datastore?
    What are you using for the NFS failover?

    We need more info but this does sound like a vmware/nfs question
    rather than specifically ceph/nfs-ganesha

    On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 1:47 PM, nigel davies <nigdav...@gmail.com
    <mailto:nigdav...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hay all

        i am in the process or trying to set up and VMware storage
        I been reading and found that Iscsi (on jewel release) can cause
        issues and the datastore can drop out.

        I been looking at using  nfs-ganesha with my ceph platform, it
        all looked good until i looked at failover to our 2nd nfs serve.
        I believe i set up the Server right. gave the two IP address of
        the NFS servers.

        when i shutdown the live NFS server, the datastore becomes
        "inactive" even after i bring the NFS server backup, it stil
        shows as inactive.

        any advise on this i would be grateful incase i am missing
        i am using NFS 4.1 as i been advised it will support the fail over

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