Hi all:

Ceph version:
ceph version 10.2.9 (2ee413f77150c0f375ff6f10edd6c8f9c7d060d0)

Ceph df:
    SIZE       AVAIL      RAW USED     %RAW USED
46635G     12500G       34135G         73.19

rm ddddd
rm: cannot remove `ddddd': No space left on device

and mds_cache:
    "mds_cache": {
        "num_strays": 999713,
        "num_strays_purging": 0,
        "num_strays_delayed": 0,
        "num_purge_ops": 0,
        "strays_created": 999723,
        "strays_purged": 10,
        "strays_reintegrated": 0,
        "strays_migrated": 0,
        "num_recovering_processing": 0,
        "num_recovering_enqueued": 0,
        "num_recovering_prioritized": 0,
        "recovery_started": 107,
        "recovery_completed": 107

It seems starys num are stuck, what should I do?
Thanks all.
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