ceph-volume relies on systemd and 14.04 does not have that available.
You will need to upgrade to a distro version that supports systemd

On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Stefan Kooman <ste...@bit.nl> wrote:
> Quoting 姜洵 (jiang...@100tal.com):
>> Hi folks,
>> I am trying to install create a bluestore osd manually with ceph-volume tool 
>> on
>> a Ubuntu 14.04 system, but with no luck. The Ceph version I used is Luminous
>> 12.2.2.
>> I do this manually instead of ceph-deploy command, because I want to seperate
>> data to HDD, then WAL and DB  to SSD. This is the command I ran:
>> $ sudo ceph-volume lvm prepare --bluestore --data /dev/sdy --block.wal /dev/
>> nvme0n1p1 --block.db /dev/nvme0n1p1
> Are the LVM tags created?
> $ lvs -o all
> All kind of ceph metadata should be in there:
> cluster_fsid
> encrypted
> osd_fsid
> osd_id
> block_device
> block_uuid
> db_device
> db_uuid
> wal_device
> wal_uuid
> From the ceph-volume error log file it looks like ceph.block_device could not
> be found.
> Gr. Stefan
> --
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