Maybe for the future: 

rpm {-V|--verify} [select-options] [verify-options]

       Verifying a package compares information about the installed 
files in the package with information about  the  files  taken
       from  the  package  metadata  stored in the rpm database.  Among 
other things, verifying compares the size, digest, permis‐
       sions, type, owner and group of each file.  Any discrepancies are 
displayed.  Files that were not installed from the  pack‐
       age, for example, documentation files excluded on installation 
using the "--excludedocs" option, will be silently ignored.

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoffrey Rhodes [] 
Sent: maandag 15 januari 2018 16:39
Subject: [ceph-users] Adding a host node back to ceph cluster

Good day,

I'm having an issue re-deploying a host back into my production ceph 
Due to some bad memory (picked up by a scrub) which has been replaced I 
felt the need to re-install the host to be sure no host files were 

Prior to decommissioning the host I set the crush weight's on each osd 
to 0.
Once to osd's had flushed all data I stopped the daemon's.
I then purged the osd's from the crushmap with "ceph osd purge".
Followed by "ceph osd crush rm {host}" to remove the host bucket from 
the crush map.

I also ran "ceph-deploy purge {host}" & "ceph-deploy purgedata {host}" 
from the management node.
I then reinstalled the host and made the necessary config changes 
followed by the appropriate ceph-deploy commands (ceph-deploy 
install..., ceph-deploy admin..., ceph-deploy osd create...) to bring 
the host & it's osd's back into the cluster, - same as I would when 
adding a new host node to the cluster.

Running ceph osd df tree shows the osd's however the host node is not 
Inspecting the crush map I see no host bucket has been created or any 
host's osd's listed.
The osd's also did not start which explains the weight being 0 but I 
presume the osd's not starting isn't the only issue since the crush map 
lacks the newly installed host detail.

Could anybody maybe tell me where I've gone wrong?
I'm also assuming there shouldn't be an issue using the same host name 
again or do I manually add the host bucket and osd detail back into the 
crush map or should ceph-deploy not take care of that?


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Ceph version: 12.2.1 / 12.2.2 - Luminous

Kind regards
Geoffrey Rhodes

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