Anybody know about changes in rbd feature 'striping'? May be is deprecated feature? What I mean:

I have volume created by Jewel client on Luminous cluster.

# rbd --user=cinder info solid_rbd/volume-12b5df1e-df4c-4574-859d-22a88415aaf7
rbd image 'volume-12b5df1e-df4c-4574-859d-22a88415aaf7':
        size 200 GB in 51200 objects
        order 22 (4096 kB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rbd_data.73bb33166d45615
        format: 2
        features: layering, striping, exclusive-lock, object-map, fast-diff
        create_timestamp: Tue Jan 16 15:06:26 2018
        stripe unit: 4096 kB
        stripe count: 1

Striping is enabled.

When I was try create volume by Luminous client:

# rbd --user=cinder create solid_rbd/mysupervol --size=1G --image-feature layering,striping
# rbd --user=cinder info solid_rbd/mysupervol
rbd image 'mysupervol':
        size 1024 MB in 256 objects
        order 22 (4096 kB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rbd_data.ae31f32ae8944a
        format: 2
        features: layering
        create_timestamp: Mon Jan 29 14:11:10 2018

Striping is silently disabled, due lack of stripe_unit and stripe_count defaults:

# ceph --show-config | grep rbd_default_stripe
rbd_default_stripe_count = 0
rbd_default_stripe_unit = 0

Try to define manual defaults <>

# rbd --user=cinder create solid_rbd/mysupervol --size=1G --image-feature layering,striping --stripe-unit 4096 --stripe-count 1
# rbd --user=cinder info solid_rbd/mysupervol
rbd image 'mysupervol':
        size 1024 MB in 256 objects
        order 22 (4096 kB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rbd_data.adebc974b0dc51
        format: 2
        features: layering, striping
        create_timestamp: Mon Jan 29 14:16:13 2018
        stripe unit: 4096 bytes
        stripe count: 1

So maybe is just a bug?


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