On 7/02/2018 8:23 AM, Kyle Hutson wrote:
> We had a 26-node production ceph cluster which we upgraded to Luminous
> a little over a month ago. I added a 27th-node with Bluestore and
> didn't have any issues, so I began converting the others, one at a
> time. The first two went off pretty smoothly, but the 3rd is doing
> something strange.
> Initially, all the OSDs came up fine, but then some started to
> segfault. Out of curiosity more than anything else, I did reboot the
> server to see if it would get better or worse, and it pretty much
> stayed the same - 12 of the 18 OSDs did not properly come up. Of
> those, 3 again segfaulted
> I picked one that didn't properly come up and copied the log to where
> anybody can view it:
> http://people.beocat.ksu.edu/~kylehutson/ceph-osd.426.log
> <http://people.beocat.ksu.edu/%7Ekylehutson/ceph-osd.426.log>
> You can contrast that with one that is up:
> http://people.beocat.ksu.edu/~kylehutson/ceph-osd.428.log
> <http://people.beocat.ksu.edu/%7Ekylehutson/ceph-osd.428.log>
> (which is still showing segfaults in the logs, but seems to be
> recovering from them OK?)
> Any ideas?
Ideas ? yes

There is a a bug which is hitting a small number of systems and at this
time there is no solution. Issues details at

Please submit more details of your problem on the ticket.


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