Hi all,

I'm using Luminous 12.2.4 on all servers, with Debian stock kernel.

I use the kernel cephfs/rbd on the client side, and have a choice of :
* stock Debian 9 kernel 4.9 : LTS, Spectre/Meltdown mitigations in
place, field-tested, probably old libceph inside.
* backports kernel 4.14 : probably better Luminous support, no
Spectre/Meltdown mitigations yet, much less tested (I may have
experienced a kernel-related PPPoE problem lately), not long-term.

Which client kernel would you suggest re. Ceph ?
Does the cephfs/rbd clients benefit from a really newer kernel ?
I expect that the Cpeh server-side kernel don't really matter.


Nicolas Huillard
ceph-users mailing list

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