
On 05/16/2018 04:16 AM, Uwe Sauter wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm currently chewing on an issue regarding "slow requests are blocked". I'd 
> like to identify the OSD that is causing those events
> once the cluster is back to HEALTH_OK (as I have no monitoring yet that would 
> get this info in realtime).
> Collecting this information could help identify aging disks if you were able 
> to accumulate and analyze which OSD had blocking
> requests in the past and how often those events occur.
> My research so far let's me think that this information is only available as 
> long as the requests are actually blocked. Is this
> correct?

I think this is what you're looking for:

$> ceph daemon osd.X dump_historic_slow_ops

which gives you recent slow operations, as opposed to

$> ceph daemon osd.X dump_blocked_ops

which returns current blocked operations. You can also add a filter to
those commands.


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