Hi all,

In our current production cluster we have the following CRUSH
hierarchy, see https://pastebin.com/640Q4XSH or the attached image.

This reflects 1:1 real physical deployment. We currently use also a
replica factor of 3 with the following CRUSH rule on our pools:

rule hdd_replicated {
  id 0
  type replicated
  min_size 1
  max_size 10
  step take hdd
  step chooseleaf firstn 0 type rack
  step emit

I can imagine with such design it's hard to achieve a good data
distribution. Right? Moreover, we are currently getting a lot of "near
full" warnings for several OSDs and had one full OSD, but the cluster
has more than 400 TB free space available from a total cluster size of
1,2 PB.

So what could we consider:

1) Changing the crush rule above in away to achieve better data distribution?

2) Adding a third "dummy" datacenter with 2 "dummy" racks and
distribute the hosts evenly across all datacenters? Then use a crush
rule with "step chooseleaf firstn 0 type datacenter".

3) Adding a third "dummy" datacenter each with on Rack and then
distribute the hosts evenly across? Then use a crush rule with "step
chooseleaf firstn 0 type datacenter".

4) Other suggestions?

We a currently running on Luminous 12.2.4.

Thanks for any feedback...

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