Quoting John Spray (jsp...@redhat.com):
> The general idea with mgr plugins (Telegraf, etc) is that because
> there's only one active mgr daemon, you don't have to worry about
> duplicate feeds going in.
> I haven't use the icinga2 check_ceph plugin, but it seems like it's
> intended to run on any node that has a client keyring, so you wouldn't
> need to run a mon/mgr locally where you were running the check plugin,
> just the ceph.conf and keyring file.

We use Icinga2 and telegraf too. We have Icinga check the global
(cluster) health, and besides that, have icinga monitoring plugins
running on the nodes checking node specific (ceph) health. Every
node checks if the local daemons are running like they should. Global
Ceph health could end up in "HEALTH_OK", because it might recover the
data on another OSD for example. This leaves your cluster in a less
than optimal state (one OSD less) than it should be. Local node monitoring
will inform you in this case (i.e. it expects x OSD daemons running

Gr. STefan

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