
In replicated pool rbd - the same behavior with tier.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vasiliy Tolstov" <v...@selfip.ru>
To: "Konstantin Shalygin" <k0...@k0ste.ru>
Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com, "Fyodor Ustinov" <u...@ufm.su>
Sent: Sunday, 26 August, 2018 09:39:15
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Why rbd rn did not clean used pool?

Why avoid cache tier? Does this only for erasure or for replicated too?

вс, 26 Авг 2018, 7:42 Konstantin Shalygin <k0...@k0ste.ru>:

> > Configuration:
> > rbd - erasure pool
> > rbdtier - tier pool for rbd
> >
> > ceph osd tier add-cache rbd rbdtier 549755813888
> > ceph osd tier cache-mode rbdtier writeback
> >
> > Create new rbd block device:
> > rbd create --size 16G  rbdtest
> > rbd feature disable rbdtest object-map fast-diff deep-flatten
> > rbd device map rbdtest
> >
> > And fill in rbd0 by data (dd, fio and like).
> >
> > Remove rbd block device:
> > rbd device unmap rbdtest
> > rbd rm rbdtest
> >
> > And now pool usage look like:
> >
> > POOLS:
> >      NAME        ID     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS
> >      rbd         9       16 GiB         0           0 B        4094
> >      rbdtier     14     104 KiB         0       1.7 TiB        5110
> Avoid cache-tier configurations. Write rbd objects to EC pool directly
> since luminous clients.
> k
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