James, I would recommend that you do the following

a) write out a clear set of requirements and use cases for this system. Do
not mention any specific technology
b) plan to install and test a small ProofOfConcept system. You can then
assess if it meets the requirement in (a)

On Mon, 27 Aug 2018 at 09:14, Marc Roos <m.r...@f1-outsourcing.eu> wrote:

> > I am a software developer and am new to this domain.
> So maybe first get some senior system admin or so? You also do not want
> me to start doing some amateur brain surgery, do you?
> > each file has approx 15 TB
> ???? Pfff, maybe rethink/work this to
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Watson [mailto:import.me...@gmail.com]
> Sent: zondag 26 augustus 2018 20:24
> To: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
> Subject: [ceph-users] Design a PetaByte scale CEPH object storage
> Hi CEPHers,
> I need to design an HA CEPH object storage system. The scenario is that
> we are recording HD Videos and end of the day we need to copy all these
> video files (each file has approx 15 TB ) to our storage system.
> 1)Which would be the best tech in storage to transfer these PBs size
> loads of videos to CEPH based object storage wirelessly.
> 2)How should I design my CEPH in the scale of PBs and make sure its
> future proof.
> 3)What are the latest hardware components I might require to accomplish
> this task?
> I am a software developer and am new to this domain. Kindly request all
> to provide the name of even the most basic of hardware components
> required for the setup so that I can do a cost estimation and compare
> with other techs.
> My novice solution so far:
> 1. Transmitting module if using WiFi (802.11ac (aka Gigabit Wifi) max
> 200 Mbps speed) to transfer a file of size 15 TB to CEPH Storage takes 7
> days !!
> 2.CEPH needs to be configured with High Availability A SAN with FC
> networking in place (GEN 6 SANS) using NVMe SSD with HBAs that support
> NVMe over Fibre Channel giving a transfer rate of 16 Gbps to Host
> Server.
> Thanks for your help in advance.
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