We are benchmarking a test machine which has:
8 cores, 64GB RAM
12 * 12 TB HDD (SATA)
2 * 480 GB SSD (SATA)
1 * 240 GB SSD (NVME)
Ceph Mimic

Baseline benchmark for HDD only (Erasure Code 4+2)
Write 420 MB/s, 100 IOPS, 150ms latency
Read 1040 MB/s, 260 IOPS, 60ms latency

Now we moved WAL to the SSD (all 12 WALs on single SSD, default size
Write 640 MB/s, 160 IOPS, 100ms latency
Read identical as above.

Nice boost we thought, so we moved WAL+DB to the SSD (Assigned 30GB for DB)
All results are the same as above!

Q: This is suspicious, right? Why is the DB on SSD not helping with our
benchmark? We use *rados bench*

We tried putting WAL on the NVME, and again, the results are the same as on
Same for WAL+DB on NVME

Again, the same speed. Any ideas why we don't gain speed by using faster HW


Jan Senko, Skype janos-
Phone in Switzerland: +41 774 144 602
Phone in Czech Republic: +420 777 843 818
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