On Mon, 03 Dec 2018 16:41:36 +0100
si...@turka.nl wrote:

> Hi,
> Currently I am decommissioning an old cluster.
> For example, I want to remove OSD Server X with all its OSD's.
> I am following these steps for all OSD's of Server X:
> - ceph osd out <osd>
> - Wait for rebalance (active+clean)
> - On OSD: service ceph stop osd.<osd>
> Once the steps above are performed, the following steps should be 
> performed:
> - ceph osd crush remove osd.<osd>
> - ceph auth del osd.<osd>
> - ceph osd rm <osd>
> What I don't get is, when I perform 'ceph osd out <osd>' the cluster
> is rebalancing, but when I perform 'ceph osd crush remove osd.<osd>'
> it again starts to rebalance. Why does this happen? The cluster
> should be already balanced after out'ed the osd. I didn't expect
> another rebalance with removing the OSD from the CRUSH map.

'ceph osd out' doesn't change the host weight in crush map, 'ceph
osd crush remove' does.
Instead of 'ceph osd out' use 'ceph osd crush reweight'.

Jarosław Mociak - Nettelekom GK Sp. z o.o.

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