Hallo Cephers,
    I am stuck with an incomplete PG and am seeking help.

At some point I had a bad configuration for gnocchi which caused a flooding of tiny objects to the backend Ceph rados pool. While cleaning things up, the load on the OSD disks was such that 3 of them "commited suicide" and were marked down. Now that the situation is calm, I am left with one stubborn incomplete PG.

PG_AVAILABILITY Reduced data availability: 1 pg inactive, 1 pg incomplete
pg 107.33 is incomplete, acting [41,22,156] (reducing pool gnocchi-ct1-cl1 min_size from 2 may help; search ceph.com/docs for 'incomplete')
                (by the way, reducing min_size did not help)

  I found this page and tried to follow the procedure outlined:

On one of the 3 replicas, the "PG export" produced some decently sized file, but when I tried to import it on the acting OSD I got error:

[root@r1srv07.ct1 ~]# ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-41 --op import --file /tmp/recover.107.33 --force
pgid 107.33 already exists

Questions now is: could anyone please suggest a recovery procedure? Note that for this specific case I would not mind wiping the PG.

  Thanks for your help!


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