
I finally figured out how to measure the statistics of a specific RBD volume;

$ ceph --admin-daemon <path to .asok> perf dump

It outputs a lot, but I don't know what it means, is there any documentation
about the output?

For now the most important values are:

- bytes read

- bytes written

I think I need to look at this:

"rd": 1043,
"rd_bytes": 28242432,
"rd_latency": {
"avgcount": 1768,
"sum": 2.375461133,
"avgtime": 0.001343586
"wr": 76,
"wr_bytes": 247808,
"wr_latency": {
"avgcount": 76,
"sum": 0.970222300,
"avgtime": 0.012766082

But what is 28242432 (rd_bytes) and 247808 (wr_bytes). Is that 28242432 bytes
read and 247808 bytes written during the last minute/hour/day? Or is it since
mounted, or...?


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