Hi Dan,

We just got a similar report about SSE-C in http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/38700 that seems to be related to multipart uploads. Could you please add some details there about your s3 client, its multipart chunk size, and your ceph version?

On 3/18/19 2:38 PM, Dan Smith wrote:

I have stored more than 167 million files in ceph using the S3 api. Out of those 167 million+ files, one file is not storing correctly.

The file is 92MB in size. I have stored files much larger and much smaller. If I store the file WITHOUT using the Customer Provided 256-bit AES key using Server Side encryption, the file stores and retrieves just fine (SHA256 hashes match).

If I store the file USING the 256-bit AES key using Server Side encryption, the file stores without error, however, when I retrieve the file and compare the hash of the file I retrieve from ceph against the hash of the original file, the hashes differ.

If I store the file using Amazon S3, using the same AES key and their server side encryption the file stores are retrieves using out issue (hashes match).

I can reproduce this issue in two different ceph environments. Thankfully, the file I am storing is not confidential, so I can share it out to anyone interested in this issue.(https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-website-afewgoodmenrankedfantasyfootballcom-j5gvt/delete-me)

I have opened a ticket with our vendor for support, but I am hoping someone might be able to give me some ideas on what might be going on as well.


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