For better or worse, out of the box, librbd and rbd-mirror are
configured to conserve memory at the expense of performance to support
the potential case of thousands of images being mirrored and only a
single "rbd-mirror" daemon attempting to handle the load.

You can optimize writes by adding "rbd_journal_max_payload_bytes =
8388608" to the "[client]" section on the librbd client nodes.
Normally, writes larger than 16KiB are broken into multiple journal
entries to allow the remote "rbd-mirror" daemon to make forward
progress w/o using too much memory, so this will ensure large IOs only
require a single journal entry.

You can also add "rbd_mirror_journal_max_fetch_bytes = 33554432" to
the "[client]" section on the "rbd-mirror" daemon nodes and restart
the daemon for the change to take effect. Normally, the daemon tries
to nibble the per-image journal events to prevent excessive memory use
in the case where potentially thousands of images are being mirrored.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 4:34 PM
<> wrote:
> Hello, folks,
> I am setting up two ceph clusters to test async replication via RBD 
> mirroring. The two clusters are very close, just in two buildings about 20m 
> away, and the networking is very good as well, 10Gb Fiber connection. In this 
> case, how should i tune the relevant RBD mirroring parameters to accelerate 
> the replication?
> thanks in advance,
> Samuel
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