
The main question is that /etc/ceph is not longer needed when you use

docker run -d --net=host \
-v /var/lib/ceph:/var/lib/ceph \
-e MON_IP= \
-e KV_TYPE=etcd \
-e KV_IP= \
ceph/daemon mon

I'd like to know/predict the behavior of the system when some pieces could

Thanks a lot!

El mar., 16 jul. 2019 18:23, Janne Johansson <icepic...@gmail.com> escribió:

> Den tis 16 juli 2019 kl 18:15 skrev Oscar Segarra <oscar.sega...@gmail.com
> >:
>> Hi Paul,
>> That is the initial question, is it possible to recover my ceph cluster
>> (docker based) if I loose all information stored in the etcd...
>> I don't know if anyone has a clear answer to these questions..
>> 1.- I bootstrap a complete cluster mons, osds, mgr, mds, nfs, etc using
>> etcd as a key store
>> 2.- There is an electric blackout and all nodes of my cluster goes down
>> and all data in my etcd is lost (but muy osd disks have useful data)
> Not having run container versions in my case made me reply wrongly last
> time, but I think it is still true that a running ceph will not store
> anything useful in etcd, but the info stuffed there by your deployment
> scripts is just _a_ way to get keys out to newly made containers while
> deploying, and not the _only_ way.
> Also, a running ceph cluster will (probably!) not read anything useful out
> of etcd later on, since it keeps its own databases for all keys. Hence, the
> specific question about "I have ceph running, it was deployed using scripts
> and etcd for transport of keys, then it bombs out and for reason X, all
> etcd files are gone but rest is still there, then it boots up" should
> probably give you a working ceph cluster back, assuming no other part (like
> network configs, firewall rules or so) needs etcd for its own purposes. If
> the OS is gone, or all of /etc is gone or something like that, then the
> machine will not boot and ceph will not run but that is kind of obvious.
> --
> May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
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