On 17/09/2019 17.46, Yan, Zheng wrote:
> when a snapshoted directory is deleted, mds moves the directory into
> to stray directory.  You have 57k strays, each time mds have a cache
> miss for stray, mds needs to load a stray dirfrag. This is very
> inefficient because a stray dirfrag contains lots of items, most items
> are useless.

Okay, clearly the current snapshot solution won't work for us then, so
I'm moving the snapshotting to the target filesystem we use for backups
so that the production filesystem at least doesn't suffer from this
issue. Are there any plans to change this to make it more efficient?

How does the MDS decide when to clear out stray files after snapshots
are deleted? I've been removing a bunch, and while the stray count has
gone down, it hasn't been going down as fast as I expect... I'm worried
we may have a leak and some strays are never getting cleaned up. I guess
I'll see once I catch up on snapshot deletions.

Hector Martin (hec...@marcansoft.com)
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