Dear list,

for some time now we had the issue that the sysupgrade command did not work. 

So here is the output of my first attempt to sysupgrade 3.10.18-1 to 3.10.21-1:

root@nacktmulle:~# sysupgrade -d 60 -n -v 
killall: watchdog: no process killed
Sending TERM to remaining processes ... udhcpc lighttpd crond lighttpd snmpd 
xinetd dbus-daemon odhcp6c zebra babeld watchquagga avahi-daemon rngd ntpd pimd 
minissdpd dnsmasq sh ubusd askfirst netifd 
Sending KILL to remaining processes ... ubusd askfirst 
Switching to ramdisk...
mount:  /proc is not a block device
umount: /tmp/root: not mounted
Failed to switch over to ramfs. Please reboot.

As you can see this did not work. After a reboot I removed the mount-utils 
root@nacktmulle:~# sysupgrade -d 60 -n -v 
killall: watchdog: no process killed
Sending TERM to remaining processes ... udhcpc lighttpd crond lighttpd snmpd 
xinetd dbus-daemon odhcp6c zebra babeld watchquagga avahi-daemon rngd ntpd pimd 
minissdpd dnsmasq ubusd askfirst netifd 
Sending KILL to remaining processes ... ubusd askfirst 
Switching to ramdisk...
Performing system upgrade...
Unlocking firmware ...

Writing from <stdin> to firmware ...     
Upgrade completed

The root cause for the sysupgrade filure with installed mount-utils is the fact 
that mount-utils' /usr/bin/mount has different calling conventions than busy 
box's /bin/mount which in result make sysupgrade fail. So the easiest solution 
for sysupgrade is to remove mount-utils before running sysupgrade. (An 
alternative proposed earlier would be to edit the sysupgrade script to always 
call /bin/mount and /bin/umount)

Bonus, on my router I mount a swp partition and a home partition (ext4)  from 
an usb stick, both mount fine without mount-utils installed. So maybe we can 
move mount-utils out of the default installs?

Best Regards

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