... No clue 0_0

On 3 March 2015 at 15:50, Judith Dinowitz <jdino...@houseoffusion.com>

> I have been doing a lot of data analysis with Kissmetrics for my fourth
> project. The client I am working with wants me to investigate possible
> alternatives for web analytics programs.
> He needs a program that will let him pull reports with multiple dimensions
> without having to scan through data manually. For example:
> - By class name, over 7 weeks, show how many people submitted unit
> projects, and for which units.
> There are multiple dimensions to that problem: Time, cohort (class name),
> Action (submitted unit project) and specifics for which unit project was
> submitted. I can't (as far as I can tell) get that information from
> kissmetrics without either running multiple reports (one per unit project)
> or digging manually into the specific user data.
> Do you know of any web analytics packages that let you do this? My client
> runs his site on a Heroku Potgres SQL database, and uses cookies to track
> user logins.
> --
> Judith Dinowitz
> Vice President
> House of Fusion, Inc.

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