#153: Requirements related to specific standard names
  Reporter:  martin.juckes   |      Owner:  cf-conventions@…
      Type:  enhancement     |     Status:  new
  Priority:  medium          |  Milestone:
 Component:  cf-conventions  |    Version:
Resolution:                  |   Keywords:

Comment (by jonathan):

 Dear Martin

 I appreciate your caution but I think we can be a bit more relaxed. This
 new document does not have any information which isn't already in the
 standard name table, so it may be regarded as an adjunct to that. Hence I
 think the new document should have the same version numbers as the
 standard name table, though it will probably not be updated every time.
 Although at the moment the CF checker doesn't verify that the constraints
 are satisfied, it ''could'' already have done so - it's a matter of
 implementation, not the convention. The constraints are not new. We're
 simply making it easier to check them. We aren't changing anything about
 the convention. We also have a choice to make about whether the checker
 would regard not meeting these constraints as an error (i.e. breaking a
 requirement) or bad practice (i.e. not respecting a recommendation).

 Best wishes


Ticket URL: <http://cf-trac.llnl.gov/trac/ticket/153#comment:7>
CF Metadata <http://cf-convention.github.io/>
CF Metadata

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