Then use something stronger than SSL and ratchet up the required encryption
bit strength. Right now, encryption strength is enforced at 128 bits, which
is good enough for most commercial applications.

You're welcome to try anything you like to check for vulnerabilities in the
Secure E-Commerce Engine (or LogicSynthesis website,) good luck! ;-))

If you sign up for a user account, you'll see exactly how I back it up.

Louis Mezo
Tel: 240.498.8951

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Robertson-Ravo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 3:03 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Senior CF/StudioMX2004 Developer available

Well, I would say that is something you cannot back up.. I reckon
Appscan could yield some real stinkers....remember...SSL is not 100% secure.
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