I've recently been "canned" in a merger due to reasons pertaining to not 
getting up to speed with DotNet quick enough (company will no longer be 
using Cold Fusion, which I am at
"Advanced level" of development), and stated they can find expert level 
DotNet developers overseas (where majority of programming has gone the 
past two years) far cheaper than the American programmer.  Kinda 
un-patriotic, but for a lot of captialistic companies it seems to be the 
way things are going.  Anyway ... I start a new IT related job next week 
at a 7% increase in pay.  What I am curious about is have your lost your 
job recently to: 

  1) cheap foreigner labor?

  2) company alienating Cold Fusion because they've gotten "the bug" 
w/regard to all the buzzwords circling around w/regard to DotNet (not 
knocking DotNet ... is pretty cool - in one year with small number of 
projects I've become quite good, but not expert level). 

Lastly - even though I have a new job, which will be with small 
non-political company versus large political company, I'm a little 
depressed.  I think my depression stems from the fact that I worked my 
ass off for the company that canned me (60-80 weeks at times ... many 
"all-nighters"), have varying skill-sets w/regard to server management, 
programming, outsourcing management, hardware/software t-shooting. This 
ever happen to you?

All the best -

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