mine is stapled... CF 1 on a floppy.  Yes, the good old days indeed.  I 
miss picking up the phone and talking with Jeremy from his garage ;)


Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb - http://www.aboutweb.com
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog - http://www.horwith.com

Michael Dinowitz wrote:

>Now I'm going to have to check when I get home. I know there's a spiral
>bound docs from some early version. 
>But back to the thread, I think I'm going to start mentoring programmers
>from my community in CF and send them to some of these jobs. They have well
>over 10 years software experience so picking up CF should be easy. Add in my
>knowledge of it and they'll have the equivalent of 3 years in as many
>Maybe get a mentor's cut and not have to work full time. Oh, that sounds
>good. Maybe even get a company to sponsor me for a bit while I get them some
>top people. Getting better and better. 
>>Mine is not spiral bound if I remember right it is just stapled.  I
>>feel cheated, perhaps I should call up MACR and complain  :)
>>On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 11:18:00 -0500, Michael Dinowitz
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Yeh, white paper spiral bound with a clear plastic cover. The good old
>>>when the docs were like 25 pages. Oh, I feel old now as well.
>>>The Blackstone docs are a total of 100 times that now. How we've grown.
>>>>Must have been 10 years for us, because when we "bought" it we
>>>>actually got a beta and later on got the real thing.  I still have the
>>>>"manual" to I think it is 1.0 or 1.5 sitting on my desk at home.  I
>>>>think I redefine pack rat, I might have finally thrown away some CF3
>>>>references though.  Ok, I feel old now :)
>>>>On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 10:51:31 -0500, Michael Dinowitz
>>>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>Official release was July of 95 with a beta before that. That's
>>>>>9.5 years and a max of 10 or 10.5 for those on the beta. I didn't
>>get in
>>>>>until the end of the beta so it's not a full 10 years for me yet.
>>>>>But yeh, it's been a long time.
>>>>>>Amazing how time flies, I had to sit here and think for a second
>>as to
>>>>>>when CF came out.  We were one of Allaire's first customers for
>>>>>>product, for some reason I was thinking it had only been 7-8 years
>>>>>>ago, but alas math is not my strong point(well this morning at
>>>>>>because been at least 9 and betting it has been 10 as well.
>>>>>>On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 09:58:17 -0500, Michael Dinowitz
>>>>>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>>my 10 years CF experience
>>>>>>Aaron Rouse

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