I suppose its what's in the NDA that matters... where have worked
before they wanted us to sign contracts which included NDA and IP
agreements... I wouldnt sign them, not because of the contract or NDA
(as these seemed fairly straightforward) it was the IP one that I
wouldnt touch... they were to own all rights to anything i'd done, did
and would do, be it job related or not... but as the contract stated
that signing it meant you'd signed the other two documents I couldn't

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 03:27:37 -0500, Fred T. Sanders
> I've never actually worked for a programming shop that didn't require one.
> To me at least its actually an assumed job requirement.  Of course lately it
> seems that NDA's now have traditional Employment Agreements combined
> together, (those are the ones that tend to sound like your selling your soul
> and signing in blood).
> Fred
> On March 28, 2005 04:41 pm, Cameron Childress wrote:
> > On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 16:09:18 -0500, Jeffry Houser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > >   From a recent post on cf-jobs:
> > > > Anyone who refuses to work under a Non-Disclosure Agreement need not
> > > > apply.
> >
> > Taken totally out of context, I'd usually translate soemthing like
> > this as "Our company is run by a buncha stodgy CPAs and Lawyers.  If
> > you like so much red tape that it's impossible to get anything done,
> > come work for us."
> >
> > Of course, with context it could mean something entirely different to
> > me.  There are several very valid reasons for this to be a requirement
> > for a job.
> >
> > -Cameron

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