On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 16:43:39 -0500, Douglas Knudsen
> interesting, San Diego has to be better weather, but housing must be
> out of sight!

It ain't cheap.  They call it sunshine tax.

> Been here in ATL 5 years now and keep saying I need to get involved
> with teh cfug, yeah, bad me.  I do hang on cf-talk mucho though. 

IMHO, the jobs you see on Monster and find through recruiters are
usually like looking for  a needle in a haystack.  Lots of junk, very
little value (though sometimes you can find some).  Most of the best
jobs are never posted to a job board or given to a recruiter, so if
you depend on those, you may not find much of value out there.


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf

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