> Oh yeah I forgot another short sighted new programmer
> annoyance I hold is:

> Complex code that isn't tabbed or seperated like in case
> of a query with 100 fields running a big comma list versus
> putting a carriage return after each field name follwed by
> a comma.

> Makes debugging a pain since you have to eyeball things
> across and can easily bury a comma or forget one. As it
> relates to the code it makes finding what conditional you
> are in impossible except where you step the program
> manually or insert a CFABORT and keep mocing it down the
> file to see where the issue is.

> -Paris Lundis

I have personal issues with ad-hoc cfqueries in general...
particularly insert statements (it's often horribly difficult for me
to walk the column list once, count the number of elements down to my
insert value and then have to find that in the values list)...
Commenting each line of the values list (if not immediately obvious
what it is) helps, but is duplication of effort and ime almost never
done. I prefer to have tools that handle inserts and updates with
structures -- makes them much easier for me to debug... Not
cfinsert/cfupdate incidentally -- they fall in my list of things that
denote a person as being inexperienced, along with -- up until now --

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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