Or the simplified version of the example
INSERT INTO tablefoo (id, goo) VALUES (seqname.next_val, 'soem stuff')

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA
"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
- Cynthia Dunning

....-----Original Message-----
....From: Douglas Knudsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
....Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 10:00 AM
....To: CF-Jobs-Talk
....Subject: Re: What makes a programmer look low level
....with oracle vernacular the word is sequence. Just perform a query to
....the next value in the sequence, then use it in your inserts.
.... SELECT seqname.next_val as newid FROM dual
.... INSERT INTO tablefoo (id, goo) VALUES (newid, 'soem stuff')
.... DK
.... On 5/12/05, Aaron Rouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
....> That syntax is not even valid for all databases. An example I am
....> of
....> is how to return the identity when using Oracle. I know the syntax to
....> if
....> just in a SQL client, tried it with a couple of versions of DB drivers
....> with
....> CF and never had it work. Of course it could simple just be done with
....> SP,
....> which is what I do anyway.
....> CFLOCKing two queries together? Wouldn't that be CFTRANSACTIONing the
....> queries together?
....> Wish we had DBAs that could review our SP's to see if things could be
....> improved. :(
....> On 5/12/05, Glenn Saunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
....> >
....> >
....> > This has sometimes worked in the past:
....> >
....> > declare @new_id INT
....> > insert into table (a, b)
....> > values ('#a#', '#b#'
....> > select @new_id as new_id
....> >
....> > It depends on the DB driver.
....> >
....> > I've had this sometimes work and sometimes not work. It's almost like
....> the
....> > driver (or CF) says "oh, this is an insert, you don't need any data
....> back"
....> > and throws out the data.
....> >
....> > Using a 2nd query to get the identity is not reliable without
....> > the
....> > two queries together and it's not as efficient.
....> >
....> > One thing I wish CFQUERY could do is return multiple recordsets and
....> output
....> > parameters back. In PHP you can do this.
....> >
....> > >Just curious, not
....> > >implying anything wrong with it one bit, but what are your
....> for
....> > >using almost all SPs for your DB work?
....> >
....> > Because it's faster in heavy-load environments and it provides a
....> > clearing house for db code that the dbas can (presumably) analyze and
....> > improve. It also lets you restrict direct access to tables, just
....> granting
....> > EXEC permissions on a proc by proc basis after proper review.
....> >
....> >

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