Oh, that's bad.  You should work by the hours, not by projects.  You should get 
paid weekly or bi-weekly.  You just do your job.  Whether the customers are 
satisfied with it is not your problem.   It is SSA's problem, unless you have 
direct contact with the customers and responsible for writing the specs, 
creating the wireframe, designing the front-end prototype and meeting with the 
customers to make sure they are happy with it.  Your job is to make the 
features functional according to the specs and that's it.

This says that they put all the responsibilities on you.  They don't take any 
responsibilities for the project.  They just sit in the middle and take the 
profit and no loss.  We all look after ourselves, but we can't work for people 
whose sole concern is their own well-being, and not ours.  You should 
definitely ask them to revise the contract.  In my experience, they always do, 
but you have to be nice.  Don't give them an ultimatum.

Although in my experience, it is like dating.  You have to kiss many frogs 
before you meet a prince OR princess :-)  When you are new and in needs of 
money and experience, frogs are just coming out from every direction.  Once you 
are in a good place financially and expertise, princes or princesses start to 
gradually appear from the distance :-)


> > It's not normal in my experience. What are some of the escape 
> clauses
> > and where do you live?
> > 
> This is what I find to be bothersome:
> 3.2. Payments. SSA shall remit payment to Contractor when the monies 
> are received from SSA’s customer and on receipt of all properly 
> submitted invoices, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing in Section 
> 7 of the Order. The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment to the 
> extent that the client refuses to pay SSA for the services of the 
> Contractor’s employees because of unsatisfactory performance.

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