We are looking for a good CF programmer who can help us in the finishing of our 
application SiteDirector (version 4 release).  If you are looking for some 
sideline work and are flexible, we may be able to use you.

Currently we have most of the work completed and have alot of lose ends to tie 
up, but we need help in doing so, it has grown fairly large and has alot of 
cleanup areas.  We would like to see a finished product within 4 weeks.

We are looking for someone who will be a "partnership" roll.  We are not 
looking for someone who we just pay per hour, we are wanting someone who is 
looking for long term side work even after the application is released.  We 
will need someone to continue to work and help support creating additional 
features and hooked in applications.

Required Skills
Very proficient in CF
CF Compenents
Databases, MS SQL 2000, MS Access

If this is something you are interested and you have the additional 
"evening/daytime" to work with me, send me your information and something about 
yourself.  We are looking for someone ASAP.


Paul Giesenhagen

Logware (www.logware.us): a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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