I do too. But I need to eat, so in a way I'm coding for food.


At 02:41 PM 2/13/2006, Michael Dinowitz wrote:
>I'm doing that with my various pieces of email code. These lists are all CF
>driven and the code should be put out there. Problem is, I hate charging for
>my code.
> > Perhaps the solution is to build marketable apps that are really very
> > good, and make your money that way. That's what I'm trying. Takes a
> > while for it to take off though, that's for sure. But once it's
> > going, you're good.
> >
> > Mik
> >

Michael Muller
Admin, MontagueMA.net Website
Montague, MA 01351
work (413) 863-0030
cell (413) 320-5336
fax (518) 713-1569
skype: michaelBmuller

Eschew Obfuscation

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