I can't recall the namse now, but I know of at least two places that do the
exact same thing for a fee of course.

When my wife and I incorporated, our first step was find an account to
handle that stuff.

Good luck in your venture.


On 6/9/06, Jeffry Houser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 01:35 PM 6/9/2006, Michael Perlstein wrote:
> >This is a good question Jeff and one I run into often having involvement
> >in the IT hiring industry.  There seems to be a little misconception with
> >respects to terms like, "Consultant, Independent Contractor and
> Employee."
>    I have never heard the distinction described in such a manner.  Many
> people, as you say, use "consultant" and "contractor" as synonyms; so the
> confusion does not surprise me.  I was unaware there was an official
> distinction.
>    Where do "1099" workers fit into the picture?
> >"Independent Contractor" as many of you know actually means Corp to Corp,
> >where you do your own taxes, don't sign a W-2 and don't expect to get
> >benefits from the company that pays you.  It also means you only get paid
> >AFTER your client gets paid if your are subbing through them.
>   That is not always the case, although I have seen such clauses
> before.  When I outsource, I never put that restriction on my
> contractors.  I have worked with many companies who outsource to me and
> never put that restriction on me.
>   A smart independent contractor will [try to] negotiate payment terms
> beyond "you get paid after we get paid."  Most (not all) companies I've
> worked with in such regards are willing to say something like "we get paid
> in 30 days, so we can pay you in 45 days."  Others are willing to offer up
> an advance payment.  I believe either one could constitute a valid middle
> ground.
> --
> Jeffry Houser, Software Developer, Writer, Songwriter, Recording Engineer
> AIM: Reboog711  | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
> --
> My Company: <http://www.dot-com-it.com>
> My Books: <http://www.instantcoldfusion.com>
> My Recording Studio: <http://www.fcfstudios.com>
> Connecticut Macromedia User Group: <http://www.ctmug.com>
> Now Blogging at <http://www.jeffryhouser.com>

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