For me, I do factor in all the extras. Most of the time salary history is way 
down on my list of factors. Where it comes into play is when the other 
qualifications are borderline. I may take a chance on someone fresh to the 
workforce whereas I may cross him or her off the list if they are making 
significantly more than I can offer.

Re: "I would."

Maybe I have a strangely screwed look at the work force but my experience is 
that you would be the exception to the rule. If you have CF and FB experience, 
I have a job posting listed. Send a resume you can skip the salary history and 
we'll talk.

>"It doesn't matter the cost of living adjustment, very few programmers 
>would take a 20-60% cut in salary even if the cost of living is 50% 
>I would.
>If I had an offer to move up to where I would be more happy, I'd give up 
>a job making 100K a year to one that I make 50K and have better 
>benefits, a location that I like better, perhaps a better boss (why else 
>would someone be contacting you about jobs if they didn't like where 
>they were)...
>I also pose this.. What if my last job, I was not making much int he way 
>of money, but I loved the work. Does that mean I worked less and did 
>less for the company then someone who gets paid more, but did something 
>they hated?
>Past salary really isn't important unless you can factor in all the 
>"extras" that may be given.
>Steve Sommers wrote:

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