If they were all your own businesses then you were justified in deducting
home office expenses of course. If you work for a company however and use
their office at all you technically do not qualify for the home office
deductions. Telecommuting once or twice a week for example for your 1099 job
then spending the rest of the week working from home, makes you ineligible
for most home office deductions if not all. They are very strict as to what
qualifies as a 'home office' these days. But as most of the tax rules, there
are so many holes since there are so many different scenarios... I still
recommend an accountant.

And you are right, driving back and forth to your daily 9 to 5 does not
count as travel expenses (nor is it what I said or meant).

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:54 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Consultant vs. Employee

  Always speak to an accountant, but...

Bobby Hartsfield wrote:
> The traveling will definitely open up more deductions for you. Things like
> regular car maintenance/repairs, mileage, gas, meals, lodging,
> can really give you a huge break when this time of year rolls around.

  As I stated in another post, I do not think that traveling to and from 
a client location that you *WORK* at is eligible for tax deductions. 
But, if you work from home.

> You said you had a 'side' business before, which I took as you having a
> time job and doing SOME extra stuff at home during off hours. If you are
> full time for yourself now, a home office is also a huge HUGE tax break.
> only would you be able to deduct assets like computers, office furniture,
> printers, paper, etc... you deduct a percentage of all utilities (lights,
> phone, internet, trash pickup, etc...) Having a normal job anywhere kills
> all of the home office deductions though.

  I suspect he could have taken the home office deduction (and travel 
expenses, and plenty of other expenses) with his "side job", even if it 
was not his full time job.  For many years of my life I juggled 3 
businesses.  I'd argue that none of them were full time, yet they were 
all eligible for deductions.

Jeffry Houser
Flex, ColdFusion, AIR
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