On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Dave Phillips
> My job will be ending sometime next year due to a merger.  I'm a Senior
> level CF Developer with 10+ years experience.  I am wondering what the job
> market is looking like out there for us senior type CF developers with the
> economy the way it is here in the US.

Just this week I began looking for a new job. I originally posted my
experience of about 10 years and listed some frameworks and front-end
stuff I've been using. The response has been good, and if I was more
willing to relocate I would be entertaining more opportunities than I
can shake a stick at.

As Dave mentioned, there have been quite a few junior / beginner
positions posted to the list lately. However, the people that have
contacted me with opportunities have not been posting to CF-Jobs,
Monster or anywhere. It seems that senior level positions are often
not posted like that, but spread through word of mouth or word of

So from what I've seen in the past 4 days is that the market is still
good, but your location and willingness to relocate may play a big
factor in the opportunities you find.

Matt Williams
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