Sell your wife, mother, and youngest child.

Then have a heart reduction surgery (placing is in a secure storage

Rob a whole troop of girlscouts out of their cookie money.

Dig a 20 foot hole in a sand trap with a sand wedge.

And tell a bar full of Yankee fans that the Red Sox are a better team.

Now, add the above items to your resume, and you should be all set.

More seriously, know that recruiting is a _hard_ job, and requires a true
salesman's ability to pursue leads with dogged determination and boundless
energy. And you will need very thick skin, a golden tongue, and the ability
to sell your technical knowledge even when out on thin ice experience-wise.

Many of my friends and colleagues that have switched from technical track to
recruiting and placement did so while pursuing a job. They gradually moved
from looking for a job to harassing their recruiters for jobs, to being
asked "can you do it better", to working for their recruiter.

So my advice, from the cheap seats, would be to think about the recruiters
YOU liked working with, and contacting them to see if they need help. And
don't take the first 5 "no"s for an answer.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Scott Stewart <>wrote:

> Hey all,
> Since there's a large number of recruiters on this list, I've been
> wondering.
> How does one break into technical recruiting?
> I've got years of experience as a ColdFusion developer, but it appears that
> the CF market in NC has dried up. So I'm entertaining the idea of moving
> into recruiting, but have no idea where to start.
> Thanks in advance for any replies
> sas
> --
> Scott Stewart
> ColdFusion Developer
> 4405 Oakshyre Way
> Raleigh, NC 27616
> (h) 919.874.6229 (c) 703.220.2835

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