I need to upload an image to a remote server. I do not know the directory path for the CFFile tag.


I need to check that the image is gif or jpg.  Then I need to tell if it is gif or jpg in order to name it on the server.


I can't get anywhere with this.


<cfftp connection="ftoconection" action="OPEN" server="" username="theusername" password="thepassword">

<cfftp connection="ftoconection" action="CHANGEDIR" directory="FTP">

<cfftp connection="ftoconection" action="CHANGEDIR" directory="NewBooks">

<cfftp connection="ftoconection" action="CREATEDIR" directory="#TheNewDirectory#">

<cfftp connection="ftoconection" action="CHANGEDIR" directory="#TheNewDirectory#">


<cfftp connection="ftoconection" localfile="#Pic#"  remotefile="#Pic#" action="PutFile">




I need to tell what kind of image file it is to name the remotefile


This will upload the file but it has a tmp ext.



Rick Eidson


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