Hello everyone.  I feel rather guilty listening to your
conversations without making myself known.  So if
I may, an introduction:

My name is Peggie Brown (often known around the
Internet as "Katsuey" - the name is a long story).
I run KatsueyDesignWorks http://www.katsueydesignworks.com
Katsuey's Legal Gateway http://www.katsuey.com
Leavenworth Directory http://www.leavenworthdirectory.com
and BusinessSights.com  http://www.businesssights.com

I'm located in Lansing, KS and one of your members recently
told me about the KCfusion list.  I am just learning CF, having
only scratched the surface but have promised Massimo the
Guru of CF that I will know more by TODCON http://www.todcon.org

Anyway, happy to learn about the group and hopefully I can learn

Peggie Brown

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Brown Holdings LLC Group
KatsueyDesignWorks, Custom Web Design
ContentXperts http://www.contentxperts.com
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