I have created a Verity (SQL Data) that I index once a day separate from the
search. Then on the website I run the CFSEARCH tag against it but it doesn't
search out all keywords. 

If I search for "Blue" I get back anything with Blue in it.

If I search for "Blue Ear" I get back anything with "Blue Ear" but not "My
ear is blue"

I thought Verity was supposed to return results in that matter by relevance?

This is the search tag on the search page.
<cfsearch collection="BE_SearchAll" criteria="#criteria#"
name="SearchResults" type="EXPLICIT">

I also tried "Simple".

<!--- The file that runs daily is: --->

<cfquery datasource="BlueNew" name="QryGetNewPost">
SELECT ListMessages.MessageGUID, ListMessages.EntryDate,
ListMessages.Subject, ListMessages.Body, ListMessages.MemberID FROM
ListMessages WHERE (Blocked = 0 AND Hold = 0) </cfquery>

<cfindex query="QryGetNewPost" action="UPDATE" key="MessageGUID"
collection="BE_SearchAll" title="Subject" type="CUSTOM" body="Subject,Body"
custom1="EntryDate" custom2="MemberID">

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