I am using Oracle just a little bit on MX updater 3.  We aren't having any problems 
with our ODBC connection and I haven't seen that error message recently if at all.

I just searched 2 lists of oracle error messages.  One came up blank, the other found 
two occurences of 's01' (nothing for '01s01'), though they don't look relevant:

ORA-34342 (MXDSS01) Important: Analytic workspace string is read-only.  Therefore, you 
will not be able to use the UPDATE command to save changes to it.

ORA-36612 (XSLMS01) %a value value value An application attempted to retrieve a 
non-existent user message...

Make sure you have the newest updater installed (or 6.1).  Also, try turning off the 
query and using cfoutput to see what the string being sent to Oracle looks like.  You 
may find that you are sending something different than you anticipated.  You may also 
need to remove special characters from the string.


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