On Wed, 22 Oct 2008 13:00:47 -0700 (PDT) Philip J. Cameronsmith wrote:
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] standard names for chemistry - MCM

"[...] In practice, gas phase chemicals are typically recorded using number of 
moles, while aerosols are usually recorded using mass.  Hence, the G for 
gases, A for aerosols, and X for the combined set of G and A.  But because 
of the discussion above, it would be possible to force the gases and 
aerosols to always have the same units for CF (as long as the Molar Mass 
is recorded or prescribed for each specie)."

Hi Philip,

   but this is why we define the physical quantity in the standard name, don't 

Example:    mass_fraction_of_     and mole_fraction_of_   

   In my view the "X", "A" and "G" is purely cosmetic to guide the choice of 
subset of matrix elements. Certain "names" (or properties) just don't make 
sense for gaseous compounds but are relevant for aerosols (and vice versa). 
[perhaps Christiane can jump in if I missed something here]   There is no need 
to force anyone to adopt a specific unit. But your discussion about the 
"effective" molar mass reinforces the point that the molar mass that is 
assumed/used in the data must be documented so that people can easily convert 
from one into the other quantity. BTW: the distinction between mass and molar 
quantities also holds for all "tendency" terms - one can equally well 
"_due_to_deposition" as a mass quantity (useful for global budgets) or a molar 
quantity (useful for other things).

"[...] Another option is for CF to allow all possible units for each specie: 

As Jonathan said, this is exactly the reason for the "_expressed_as_" tag. BTW: 
Do we really need the "expressed" in this? "_as_" should also do the job, no? 
Some of the standard names have become rather long already...

Best regards,


< Dr. Martin G. Schultz, ICG-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich  >
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Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
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