Hi Roy,

   thanks - yes: I think that would do. I am not an expert in this field and 
don't know if the light meter spectral response is close enough to what models 
generally consider "shortwave flux", but this might be a rather fine point.

   In any case it would be good if a search for "irradiance" or "radiation" 
would turn up something that points to "shortwave" and "longwave" as well. 
"downwelling_shortwave_*radiation*_flux_in_air" would be more precise, but also 
redundant for a human being...



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lowry, Roy K. [mailto:r...@bodc.ac.uk]
> Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 2:38 PM
> To: Schultz, Martin; cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu
> Subject: RE: CF standard_name irradiation ?
> Hi Martin,
> There are two Standard Names
> 'downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air' and
> 'downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air'.  Do either of these fit
> your data.  I have associated the former with downwelling
> irradiance data from PAR cosine-collector light meters.
> Cheers, Roy.

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