Dear All,

Martin Schultz was proposing an extension to the Standard Name table to provide 
a means of easily identifying the Standard Names associated with a given 
atmospheric contaminant.  What follows provides an alternative way to address 
his use case.  Go to the URL and copy the 
SPARQL query at the end of this message into the box, choose your output format 
and press 'Get Results'. If you don't want 'carbon monoxide' simply replace 
'Carbon monoxide' by another valid EEA contaminant name.

For the techies on the list, this is done by a federated SPARQL query involving 
SPARQL endpoints on vocabulary servers at BODC and the EEA. This is based on 
string matching, but could be made more robust by implementing an EEA/Standard 
Names mapping in NVS should this be requested by the CF community.

Cheers, Roy.

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX j.0: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?urie ?labele ?urin ?labeln WHERE
  BIND("Carbon monoxide" AS ?pollutant)
    ?urie skos:inScheme 
    ?urie skos:prefLabel ?labele.
    ?urie j.0:pollutant ?pollutant.
  <> skos:member ?urin.
  ?urin skos:prefLabel ?labeln.
  ?urin skos:definition ?defn.
  FILTER CONTAINS (str(lcase(?defn)),str(lcase(?pollutant)))

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response on other days is possible but not guaranteed!

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