Dear all,

Shouldn't one allow room for storing leap seconds? (ss in range 00-60 instead 
of 00-59)

Best regards,

On 11 jan. 2013, at 18:00, Aleksandar Jelenak - NOAA Affiliate 
<> wrote:

> Dear All:
> Here's the modified proposal for the datetime_iso8601 standard name:
> standard_name: datetime_iso8601
> Units: N/A
> String representing date-time information according to the ISO
> 8601:2004(E) standard. Variables with this standard name cannot serve
> as coordinate variables. Date-time information is in the Gregorian
> calendar. For dates preceding the Gregorian calendar the date-time
> information is in the proleptic Gregorian calendar. Possible date-time
> string forms are:
> <datetime> = <date> "T" <time> <timezone> ;
> <date> = YYYY "-" MM "-" DD | YYYY "-" DDD ;
> <time> = hh | hh ":" mm | hh ":" mm ":" ss | hh ":" mm ":" ss "." S
>      | hh ":" mm ":" ss "," S ;
> <timezone> = "" | "Z" | "+" hh | "+" hh ":" mm | "-" hh | "-" hh ":" mm
> Where:
> * "YYYY" is a four-digit year (0000-9999).
> * "MM" is a two-digit month of the year (01-12).
> * "DD" is a two-digit day of the month (01-31).
> * "DDD" is a three-digit ordinal day of the year (001-366).
> * "hh" is a two-digit hour (00-23).
> * "mm" is a two-digit minute (00-59)
> * "ss" is a two-digit second (00-59).
> * "S" is one or more digits representing a decimal fraction of the
> second.
> * The value of any designator when not specified is zero.
> * If <timezone> is ommitted the default value is "Z".
>       -Aleksandar
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