Hi Ethan,

It occurred to me that we should extend this invitation to a couple of 
PO.DAAC's key software developers that are leading the development effort for 
our Metadata Compliance Checker (MCC), Mike Gangl and Josh Rodriguez 
respectively. I’ve cc’d them here to make the introduction.

For those who are unaware, the MCC tests for both ACDD and CF compliance, and 
it is available on our UAT server: http://podaac-uat.jpl.nasa.gov/mcc/

Please welcome Mike and Josh to this community.


From: CF-metadata 
<cf-metadata-boun...@cgd.ucar.edu<mailto:cf-metadata-boun...@cgd.ucar.edu>> on 
behalf of Ethan Davis <eda...@ucar.edu<mailto:eda...@ucar.edu>>
Date: Sunday, March 27, 2016 at 9:24 PM
To: CF metadata <cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu<mailto:cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu>>, 
Subject: [CF-metadata] Meeting invite: Advancing netCDF-CF, 24-26 May 2016, 
Boulder, CO, USA

Hi all,

As some of you have heard, we are holding a meeting to discuss current and 
future netCDF-CF efforts and directions. The meeting will be held on 24-26 May 
2016 in Boulder, CO, USA at the UCAR Center Green facility.

This meeting is organized by the “Advancing netCDF-CF for Geoscience” project 
[1] which has been funded by the US NSF EarthCube program. The project goals 
include several specific CF development efforts, both standards development and 
software prototyping. (We are just starting to spin-up community conversations 
around these specific goals for drafting CF extensions.) Another aspect of the 
funded project is community engagement including with the existing CF 
community, geoscience domains that have not been very involved in CF, and other 
standards bodies (e.g., OGC). These and other topics are on the current list of 
possible agenda items. Please let us know if you have other agenda items in 

The current list of possible agenda items includes:

  *   Investigate using features of the netCDF enhanced data model to 
improve/simplify the CF Discrete Sampling Geometries (which includes point, 
sounding, and trajectory data types)
  *   Drafting a CF enhancement that would add support for complex data 
footprints (e.g., river segments and drainage basins)
  *   Further develop the CFRadial proposal for representing Radar data
  *   Adding features to better support satellite data
  *   Adding CF support for hierarchical groups for organizing data and metadata
  *   Enhancing CF to support Linked Data / semantic technology concepts
  *   Harmonizing CF grid mapping with OGC CRS (coordinate reference systems), 
possibly with WKT
  *   Adding CF support for attribute namespaces and the use of URI prefixes in 
attribute values
  *   Improved support for dimensionless data variables, logarithmic scales, 
differences, etc.

While we wish we could host all those interested in attending, given the 
available meeting space and the number of project participants, we are asking 
members of the CF community that are interested in attending to contact us 
directly and let us know which aspects of CF are of interest to you and your 
goals for the meeting. Please submit your expressions of interest by Monday, 4 
April 2016. We plan to invite participants by Friday, 8 April 2016.

Travel and other information will be on the meeting page [2] later this week.

Also, for anyone attending EGU in Vienna in April, we will have a splinter 
meeting (SMP32) to discuss netCDF-CF. The splinter meeting will be held on 
Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 15:30 in room 2.96.

Thank you,

Meeting Organizers

Ethan Davis, UCAR Unidata
Charlie Zender, Univ of CA, Irvine
David Arctur, Univ of TX, Austin
Dave Santek, Univ of WI, Madison / SSEC
Kevin O’Brien, Univ of WA/JISAO and NOAA/PMEL
Aleksandar Jelenak, The HDF Group
Mike Dixon, NCAR/EOL

[1] http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1541031

[2] http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/events/2016CFWorkshop/
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